What is a technical test,

What is a technical test?

April 17, 2022 0 Comments

The selection process for a large number of jobs consists of evaluating applicants through a small technical test that seeks to measure the competencies, skills and abilities of the individual who intends to opt for the job in question. 

But what is a technical test?  

In some cases, these technical tests may be an indispensable requirement; in others, maybe not so much; it all depends on the job in question. However, it can make the difference between a good quality job and a lesser quality job. Want to know more about technical proof? Do not get up from your seat. 

What is technical testing?

Technical tests can be defined as a series of questions or a questionnaire that can be presented orally or in writing. The purpose of these questions is to measure the level of knowledge that an applicant or professional possesses in the area for which he/she is applying.

These technical tests are usually done through previous interviews with the professional, whose purpose is to know his reaction to the questions and the capacity or creativity he has to find the correct answer or find a possible solution.

In this way, recruiters ensure that the applicant has the necessary knowledge and skills to apply for the position. 

What is done in a technical test?

Technical tests are intended to test a professional who is applying for a job in his or her specific area. Therefore, in some cases, he/she will have to pass some tests related to his/her speciality and demonstrate that he/she is really prepared for the position or that he/she has the knowledge he/she claims to have.

Therefore, the applicant’s goal is to get through the test with the most ingenuity and creativity so that he/she can demonstrate that he/she is prepared for the position and that it will be a good decision to include him/her in the team or project in question.

The questions can be presented through an oral medium, seeking a slightly more immediate response and testing the applicant’s problem-solving skills and speed.

At the same time, a written test can also be applied, whose questions can be more complex as they seek a better development of the same and measure more significant competencies. 

What questions are asked in a technical test?

The purpose of the questions is to measure the knowledge that a professional has about the area of specialization that he/she possesses. Therefore, the questions should have an ascending method, from questions that go from the fundamental or general of their area to the more specific or specialized.

An example of this are questions such as:

What does your job consist of? 

Can you define it?

 What are the characteristics of your area of professionalization?

Could you explain what functions you intend to perform and why?

This type of question is characterized by being fundamental or general, i.e., it seeks to measure the person’s perspective on his or her own profession and what exactly he or she knows about it.

On the other hand, there are also more specific questions, such as:

 If you had an “x” situation, how would you solve it?

 You are presented with the following situation, and you have these two options; which one would you choose and why?

What does the following term refer to?

These questions seek to go much deeper and inquire about how the applicant will use the knowledge he/she claims to have to get out of a situation or to give an efficient and accurate answer to a specific situation. 

How to pass a technical test successfully?

Actually, there is no magic formula that can ensure that someone will pass a technical test in a particular job. Since these depend largely on the knowledge that the applicant has for the position, it is necessary to take into account that there may be questions that can only be answered at the time of the interview or test.

On the other hand, what can be done is to provide some advice or elements that can be taken into consideration before and during the interview. For example:

Intuit what questions you may be asked in the pre-interview and try to offer the most convincing or correct answers.

If there is a point or topic that you do not fully master, you could practice or review it. If it is something very specific and complex, it is better, to tell the truth rather than lie about it.

Consider the time of the interview and act accordingly.

If something is unclear or you have a doubt about the question, it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Sometimes, it’s good to rely on common sense or personal judgment. 

What types of technical tests are there?

There are different types of technical tests that also vary according to the area of work. Some of them are: 

General technical test

Test or technical test of fundamental or general knowledge, which seeks to have knowledge about the professional in his own area. What skills he/she has, how competent he/she can be for the job and if he/she really understands his/her functions. 

Specific technical test

Technical test of specific knowledge or program management. Here we enter the test of knowledge about tools that may be important in an area, such as computer science and the resolution of specific conflicts. 

Technical language test

A test of knowledge and proficiency in specific languages. Normally, this type of test evaluates a universal language such as English. However, this may also depend on the area of work and the place where it will be carried out. 

Technical, emotional intelligence test

Emotional intelligence tests are also another principle that is highly valued in many companies. As this provides information about the mental toughness and stability of the person and whether he/she will be able to perform and be competent for the job in question. 

What do recruiters look for in a programmer profile?

Senior or full-stack programmer.

Proficiency in computer tools.

A number of programming languages mastered.

Creativity to solve complex problems.

Previous experience solving programming problems.

Ability to work in a team.

Commitment and responsibility.

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