7 Tips to get remote work as a developer in foreign companies

April 15, 2022 0 Comments

Would you like to be able to work from home for a big tech company? Now it’s possible. Working in your pyjamas, from the comfort of your home is something that many developers dream of and getting a job as a developer that allows you to do so, is very easy. Today, we want to bring you some tips to help you get a remote job as a dev in the best companies in the industry.

Improve your English to get a job as a developer
The first step to getting a remote job is to improve your English level. English is the language of technology, and most technological developments are worked in this language. It is not only necessary that you can understand it, but it is also essential that you can communicate orally and in writing perfectly since it is likely to be the language in which your team communicates. In addition, knowing technical English is an added attraction to your CV and will undoubtedly make recruiters interested in your profile.

Create your online brand

One of the things that recruiters from large companies do is to Google every prospect. So, knowing what appears about you and optimizing it professionally is almost a must nowadays. In fact, if a recruiter searches your name and doesn’t see anything that has to do with your professional development, you will most likely be immediately discarded. Start building your online portfolio and include the projects you are proud of. Use the internet and show the world your potential in a clear way. This will give you a boost to get jobs with the companies you’ve always dreamed of.

Work your LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn is one of the best tools to get a job as a developer in companies outside your country. Being a professional social network, thousands of recruiters, company owners, project managers and more are found here. This is why it is important that you take some time and dedicate yourself to improving your presence in this network constantly. An attractive headline, the right photo, a detailed explanation of your skills… all of these are useful when it comes to attracting the attention of the right people. Let your profile be the first point of contact between you and your dream job.

Don’t stop training

If there is one thing about the tech industry, it is that it is constantly evolving. Therefore, every day it is much more important that you are able to keep yourself updated and trained with the advances that are presented. Training allows you to be prepared for any questions in technical interviews. Knowing about the topic will help you gain confidence and project it to recruiters. This will multiply your chances of getting the job. In addition, a professional who is in constant training is something that every company values because it shows commitment and passion for their work.

Master your Elevator Pitch to get a job as a developer
Have you heard of the Elevator Pitch? If you haven’t, it’s time to start looking into it. The Elevator Pitch is a presentation speech of no more than two minutes in length with which you can convince the recruiter that you are the best candidate for the job. Make sure your pitch is clear and concise and that all the information you mention is useful.Mention your accomplishments, the achievements of other companies during your tenure, your side projects… whatever it takes to show the recruiter what kind of professional you are.

Don’t neglect your soft skills.

If you are attending a selection process for an international company, it is likely that there are many candidates who are very well trained in the technical aspect. In fact, it is likely that some of them have more skills than you. So how do you stand out from the crowd? By developing your soft skills so that you can stand out anywhere. Many international corporate recruiters place great importance on these skills. As a result, things like how you communicate, how you handle stress, or your ability to learn are evaluated extensively. It has even been said that about 40% of the questions in these selection processes are oriented to know your soft skills. So, if you want to get a remote job as a developer in an international company, work on your adaptability, ability to learn, and way of communicating. In short, everything that you think can help you get a better job.

Practice interviewing

One of the biggest reasons for failure during interviews is nerves. And most of the time, nerves are the consequence of a lack of preparation. In many interviews, recruiters even ask you to solve specific problems that might come up during your job just to see how you react. Therefore, the best thing to do is to take into account everything you have done in previous jobs, review it mentally and be clear about how your experience can help you solve problems. But, of course, it doesn’t help if you do it on the spot. Practising interviews helps you become more confident and allows you to anticipate some questions and provide the right answers. Of course, this isn’t 100% accurate, but it’s certainly a simple way to stand out during your job interview.

With these 7 tips getting a remote job as a dev will be much easier, and you’ll be one step closer to getting the job you’ve always dreamed of